Lebanon Explosion and Trauma – the Gift of Healing with TFT

The recent bombing in Beirut left many dead, injured, and traumatized.  The after-effects of this kind of event can be far-reaching and long-lasting.  Sharing TFT’s trauma relief tapping sequences can begin the healing process and dramatically improve the quality of life of all those affected.

Our TFT Algorithm and Diagnostic level trainer, Abeer AlOsaimi, from her healing center, Nafas Center, in Kuwait has done just that, begun the healing process for so many.  They provided TFT algorithm trainings for nearly 800 Lebanese professionals in conjunction with the Organized Psychological Support Campaign “Nehna Haddak” in Lebanon.   These professionals are in turn starting to heal their communities.

I am amazed at the case studies being submitted for their certification process.  They are helping fear, anger, panic, PTSD from the bombing for so many victims.  Some of the victims are still in the hospital, others are living in the community, without homes or family.

Below is an example of the difference the simple TFT trauma algorithm can make in the lives of those who have suffered trauma.  Mireille Youssef, Clinical psychologist, gave me permission to share her cases.  We sincerely hope that this will help inspire others to share these healing tools. Continue reading “Lebanon Explosion and Trauma – the Gift of Healing with TFT”

TFT Enabling 911 Dispatchers to Keep Helping

911One Person Making a Difference One At A Time – Working with 911 Dispatchers

by Jim McAninch, TFT-ADV, TFT-RCT

911 dispatchers are a unique group, for they are the first responders. They are the first ones to connect with the individuals or groups with an emergency need. They must take the information, figure out the need and then relay that information to the proper responders with the correct location in seconds.

There is no room for error for they are dealing with life and death situations. Like the military and their special operations individuals; they are a challenging group to gain entry into.

With the development of CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) procedure and CISM teams working with the various responder groups, the value of this to the members was being recognized. Unfortunately the dispatchers we’re not included in these groups because they were not at the scene of the incident and it was felt that they were not affected by the event.

A number of years ago, I was called in to help with a crisis that had occurred within the northern zone of the Pittsburgh call center. On the northern zone’s weekend off, the team’s group leader/mentor and his wife were killed in a tragic car crash. The crew members were unaware of the incident until reporting to work. The whole crew was impacted by the event and unable to safely work on the screens.

The Chief Administrative Officer for Allegheny County requested immediate help from Pittsburgh’s CISM team. I was available and I went in to assess the need and give them what I was trained in regarding crisis intervention.

I was able to educate them with regard to the possible effects of a critical incident but I also became aware that more was needed, to possibly find immediate relief. I made the choice to integrate TFT into the crisis intervention work. I was able to Continue reading “TFT Enabling 911 Dispatchers to Keep Helping”

Making the Impossible Possible

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyh-TxqZVkk&w=560&h=315]

The TFT Foundation’s documentary, “From Trauma to Peace”, is in post-production and almost complete. I will post when the DVD is available. Our new trailer gives an inkling of the power of the stories told. Please share it to give people an idea of the real possibility for peace in this world.