The continuing great work our teams are doing in Rwanda

Read below to see the continuing great work our teams are doing in Rwanda.  This work and the 3 published studies from our work there are what contributed to TFT becoming recognized as Evidenced Based with SAMSHA and NREPP.  This work in Rwanda not only has treated over 20,000 individuals but facilitated the healing of a country while also helping us get TFT recognized here in the USA.  We desperately need your help with funds for the remaining months of the mourning period.  We need an additional $1500 to cover the rest of June and July.  Please help us with this important work


TFT Kigali, team leaders and practitioners are working hard to help the masses of people who have been traumatized and retraumatized during the 2018 Annual Mourning Period throughout Rwanda, facilitating healing from the 1994 Genocide.

Our leader, Celestin Mitabu, says, “When TFT practitioners serve the community with psychologists from the public institutions, we are all equal in the way of doing things, that is why we hold Hospital badges, showing we are treating people that have been traumatized.” Continue reading “The continuing great work our teams are doing in Rwanda”

TFT and Rwanda’s Remembrance Day


In April — July 1994, extremists from the ethnic majority murdered between 800,000 and 1,000,00 persons, mostly of the ethnic minority, and displaced two million more.

Children witnessed their families killed before their eyes, people left maimed and scarred. The trauma and terror of this time left the country without peace, without trust and without hope. TFT has played a large part in mending these wounds.

Every year in April, the Rwandan people have a Remembrance Day. A period of time to re-affirm a commitment to peace, understanding, hope and to never let this happen again.

The strength of TFT has become so well-known, practitioners were invited to several of the events to treat those overcome by grief, trauma and pain when remembering those days.

TFT Revives Rwandan’s Hope and Faith in His Country


To follow the progress of the remarkable film that documents the profound healing and transformation of Rwandan individuals and communities severely traumatized by genocide, go to