The TFT Foundation is very grateful for the support of our international TFT Trainers and Practitioners. Leandro Percario, President Instituto TFT Brasil, has given continuously to the foundation and recently gave a
generous donation toward continuing our trauma relief work around the world.
It will go toward helping the IZERE Center in Rwanda continue helping thousands of Rwandans.
Our new trainers and practitioners in Kuwait joined together and gave us a generous donation for our continued work to help trauma victims and share TFT with those in need. This was our group of Optimal Health Advanced practitioners participating in our new course, TFT in the New Era. These
are our new leaders in the Arab world.
On behalf of the TFT Foundation Board and all we serve, Thank you for your support.
Joanne Callahan, President, TFT Foundation
Creating Peace, Well-being and Fulfillment.