Group Tapping for Paris Trauma

ParisHeartGroup Tapping Teleconferences for Community Relief and Restoring Inner Peace

by Ngub Nding, UK TFT Foundation Board Member, TFT Trainer & Practitioner

On Friday November 13th terrible events happened in Paris that literally traumatized the whole population of France and many others all over the world. As a TFT trainer/practitioner and UK TFT Foundation board member, I’ve had the privilege to participate in a trauma relief mission in Uganda in January 2014.

This experience changed me on many levels. One of the realizations I made at the time was that all the good that TFT can bring to a community half the way around the world might also be needed right at my door step. So when the Paris events occurred it was obvious that TFT could be a great asset for the community in order to support as many people as possible, as quickly as possible and as often as possible.

With a group of French-speaking TFT-Adv practitioners, equipped with our know-how in TFT and our experience in guided meditation, we committed to give our best to help anybody we could reach that would be willing to participate.

We opted for teleconference calls to offer free group tapping and short meditation with a two-step goal. One was trauma relief for as many people as possible and the second was to guide committed volunteers into leveraging what is known as the meditation effect, aka the Maharishi effect. It basically refers to the fact that people meditating have a tangible measurable effect on the well-being of their entire community. Many experiences, largely documented, have established this fact beyond any shadow of a doubt. The impact on the lowering of criminal activities, acts of terrorism, accidents, etc. is indeed compelling.

Using a free teleconference call system made it very easy to Continue reading “Group Tapping for Paris Trauma”

Peace through TFT Trauma Relief

world-peace-23588751By TFT Foundation President Joanne Callahan:

Trauma, Disasters and Our Emotional and Physical Health

World-wide disasters are increasing at an alarming rate, as is our awareness of them through the media. Whether man-made or natural, they have the same devastating effect on our lives–anger, grief, hatred, fear, nightmares, and ill health.

According to the World Health Organization there will be 1.2 billion people suffering from PTSD. It’s predicted that by 2020 mental illness will grow to be the number two cause of death, second only to cardiovascular disease.

One only need watch the news or read the paper to hear about a war, genocide, terrorist attack, hurricane, flood, fire or earthquake, and see the millions suffering. The mere watching of these events can also cause trauma and fear. The need for effective and affordable help for these people is becoming greater every year.

As the disasters increase and our awareness of them grows, research showing the long-term effects is being published. A couple of years ago there was a study showing that PTSD was passed on to our children through the sperm of the father. This year there was a study showing Continue reading “Peace through TFT Trauma Relief”

Group Tapping for Paris Peace

ParisHeartTFT Foundation UK board member and TFT trainer/practitioner Ngub Nding is organizing Free Group Tapping Sessions and short meditations to alleviate the negative emotions related to the trauma of the recent events in Paris and around the world, to restore inner Peace.

The first 6 sessions have been well attended. The next sessions will take place every Saturday evenings at 8PM Paris time for a few more weeks. The sessions are conducted in both English and French.

Details can be found on Facebook as the weekly event pages get published, by searching the event title : “Ensemble, retrouvons la Paix Intérieure – Together in Peace, Stronger Together”. Alternatively, please contact Ngub if you or friends or family would like to participate, by sending him a private message on Facebook or by emailing him directly at Ngub@

TFT Peace for Paris

PeaceParisThe TFT Foundation offers its sincere condolences to those in France affected by the recent shootings. Please let anyone you know that has been traumatized by this tragic event about our site, which has the instructions for the TFT trauma relief technique in 14 languages, including French. Here is the link you can pass along:

La fondation TFT présente ses sincères condoléances à ceux en France qui ont été affectés par les fusillades récentes. Faites connaître notre site s’il vous plait, à toute personne de votre connaissance  traumatisée par cet événement tragique. Il contient les instructions de la technique TFT d’allègement des traumatismes dans 14 langues différentes dont le français. Voici le lien que vous pouvez diffuser largement :

TFT Documentary in Japanese


I’m very pleased to announce that Ayame Morikawa, MD, PhD, MBA (Chairperson, Japanese Association for TFT) has added Japanese sub-titles to the TFT Foundation-sponsored film “From Trauma to Peace.” She has begun adding short segments of the film to YouTube. Please share this first one with any Japanese-speaking friends, family, and/or colleagues you may have.



Urgent Plea for Rwanda Mourning Period

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By Joanne Callahan, MBA:

Celestin Mitabu, TFT Kigali Trainer and Director of Rwandan Orphans Project is leading national Radio programs, where even a Rwandan Ambassador called in for help. He is working tirelessly to share TFT Trauma Relief with his country. He has trained University students, the Red Cross teams and many others to assist with the monumental task of healing during the commemoration 100 days.

He urgently needs the funds to continue this work for the last half of the mourning period. Just look at the pictures to see all he’s doing to share healing with TFT.

We have a pledge of three, up to $500, donations for matching funds. Please help us raise the matching $1500 to send to him. He has the first ever national radio shows to teach TFT, is the first one to train Red Cross volunteers and is training teams of university students to help their fellow Rwandans. The people benefitting include the handicapped, the orphans, the prisoners, and families everywhere.

Click here to DONATE. If 100 us each gave $15 we would have the full $3000 needed to continue this healing through the last 50 days of the mourning period. Anyone contributing over $25 will receive a copy of the DVD, From Trauma to Peace. There is no better way to share the healing power of TFT.