Relieving Senior’s Trauma from Financial Scam

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Financial Scam Causes Shame for This Senior
by Mary Lou Dobbs

I call my mother every day. One particular day was different. My 85-year-old mother let slip a comment: “Pretty soon I will be able to take care of all the grandkids in my will.” I asked, “What do you mean, Mom?”

“Oh,” she said, “I’m not ready to talk about it right now.” An alarm went off, and I was like a firefighter heading to a blaze.

My parents are on a small fixed income. They, like most loving grandparents, have spent years bailing out grandchildren, choosing to sacrifice their own needs.

I knew how precious little they had. I reminded my mother that I had provided her with an 800 number so her calls to me are always free and asked her to tell me more when she felt ready.

Two days later the bombshell exploded: “Hi, this is Mom. Now I feel ready to tell you that I won six million dollars, but I have to send money to some third-world country by Monday in order to claim my prize.” Continue reading “Relieving Senior’s Trauma from Financial Scam”

Healing from Dog Attack

by Pete Doherty, TFT-Dx

In 1994 Catherine was bitten by a dog which caused a severe wound to the right forearm. The wound was very deep and required hospitalisation for a week.

From 2006 onwards Catherine began to experience pain and discomfort in her right hand and wrist and was diagnosed with RSI which resulted in a period of time off work. Catherine sought help from a physiotherapist and was able to obtain some pain relief as a result of the treatment.

In 2008 Catherine began to work with a new physiotherapist who also introduced acupuncture into the treatment sessions.

I will let Catherine take over in her own words from here…

“…During a recent session with George (2010) he decided for whatever reason to try some deep tissue massage on the site of the dog bite. As soon as he started this I felt “odd” and involuntarily pulled away from him – I started to feel slightly sick and faint. Continue reading “Healing from Dog Attack”

Relieving the Trauma of Bullying

“I’ll Do Anything to Make It Stop”

by Dr. Victoria Yancey

“You are fat, stupid and ugly.” This is just one example of the taunting that some students endure from peers and classmates. These and other harmful statements are instances of bullying.

Bullying is a form of violence. It is negative, aggressive and unwanted behaviors intended to cause harm, hurt or humiliation to another student. It is anything that hurts another student, when things are repeatedly said or done to have power over that individual.

There are many types of bullying, including racial bullying, sexual bullying and cyber bullying. Bullying includes name calling, saying or writing derogatory comments, purposely excluding an individual from activities, spreading lies and rumors, ignoring, threatening, doing anything to make another person feel uncomfortable or scared, stealing or damaging belongings of others, kicking, hitting, slapping, and making someone do things they do not want to do.

Children handle being bullied in many different ways. Those who are bullied are subject to peer pressure. Sometimes they end up doing things they really do not want to do in order to “fit in”—hoping that the bullying will stop. Those who are bullied often feel pain, fear or hurt.

They lose self-confidence and feel lonely, scared and sad. They sometimes do not feel safe at school, at home or at play—and often have poor grades in school. They may suffer from depression, headaches, stomach aches and other health problems and they may also have thoughts of suicide. Some feel it necessary to fight or bring a gun or weapon to school to stop Continue reading “Relieving the Trauma of Bullying”

TFT After Serious Car Accident

By Derrick Marshon Smith*

This case is intimate to me. Just four days ago my girlfriend was in a serious accident that totaled out her car.

She walked out with only a splinter. However, what she didn’t anticipate was the emotional scare she had to deal with.

After an hour of the accident and we were leaving the scene she busted out in a severe cry. I was pumping gas and knew what was happening but she didn’t. She asked me why she was crying and I said probably because your sub-conscious mind is just now releasing the pain.

So what do I do? I get her to do the trauma and guilt sequence. Instantly she regained her self control and prepared herself for work. We felt going to work would take her mind off the ordeal. It did the trick and she also tapped all day at work.

It wasn’t until 3am that night, another attack arose and we had to do the sequence. And again immediately it diminished and she fell right to sleep. Till that night she has yet to have another attack.

TFT for life…literally!

*Author Derrick Marshon Smith is a recent TFT Boot Camp graduate. To learn more about this two-day training for learning how to use TFT to help yourself and others, go to

TFT, Soldiers and PTSD


Dr. Robert Bray discusses using TFT to aid those who suffer from PTSD.

Relieving the Smell of War

The Smell of War

By Suzanne M. Connolly, MFT, LCSW

The Gulf War was a short war and a war with few Allied casualties. And yet one young soldier, we’ll call him “Gary,” left a large part of himself back in the large flat desert to the North of Kuwait.

He wanted that part of himself back.

The war was officially over. The multitude of invading tanks and infantry had retreated and formed a long contiguous line stretching from the North of Kuwait and into Iraq. The tanks had been disabled, most burned by the Allied Forces beyond recognition. The  bulldozers had plowed the Iraqi tanks into trenches, sometimes inadvertently burying live Iraqi soldiers, still entombed in their sandy graves, arms sticking up here and there from the sand.

Gary’s job was to bury the dead. Cleanup duty.

The sight of charred Iraqi bodies and eyes still staring out from burned corpses haunted him. But even more, it was the smell of charred flesh he remembered most. It was a smell that wouldn’t leave him.

It had been over a year and Gary was still paralyzed by the sights and especially the smells of war. He was not available to his wife. He was not available to his two small children. And work was not going well.

Gary numbed the sights and smells with the bottle when possible, providing his only relief but causing even more problems in his life. It was the only form of relief he could find, despite some attempts at therapy.

Gary thought that the idea of tapping while he focused on the sights and smells frozen in his memory was a little crazy, but he was willing to try anything. As we tapped, Gary reported that the visual memories began to fade and seemed far away and lost their charge.

The smells from the past that seemed to permeate his world in the present didn’t go away as easily. But they, too, eventually disappeared with more TFT. Soon Gary was present to his family and doing well at work, no longer haunted by the sights and smells left behind in the desert.

He was finally home.

Excerpted from Callahan Techniques’ latest bookThe Tapping
Solution: Tapping the Body’s Energy Pathways