TFT for Survivors of Child Abuse

Published in UPdate Magazine , Issue 7, Spring 2007:

Special Report

Irish Survivors of Child Abuse: How TFT Can Help

By Eileen McMahon, Solicitor, TFT-Dx

Irish Survivors

I am a solicitor who has trained in Thought Field Therapy®. I have spent 15 years acting for survivors of trauma to obtain compensation arising from accidents and abuse. However there are certain groups that I have represented in the UK that money alone will not rebuild their fractured lives.

I have spent the past 5 years taking evidence from the Irish survivors of child abuse and seeking compensation for them under the Residential Institutions Redress Act (2002) in Dublin. The abuse occurred between the 1930’s and the 1970’s. The average age of my clients is 60. Most of my client’s have waited 50 years to tell their story and seek redress.

We must not take for granted that orphans around the world are being well cared for. This was the mistake made in Ireland and now we are dealing with the horrendous reality of Continue reading “TFT for Survivors of Child Abuse”

TFT Trauma Relief on Healing Talk Radio



Suzanne Connolly, MFT, LCSW



Written by Diana Hoffman, Healing Talk Radio:

Hello friends and colleagues,

I am excited to announce that international trauma expert Suzanne Connolly will be joining me on Healing Talk Radio for a live demonstration of Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of PTSD.

Suzanne has healed trauma and trained trauma therapists throughout the world.  She was invited to travel to Littleton Coloroado to train professionals who were treating the traumatized survivors of the Columbine High School shooting.  Suzanne has also traveled to Kuwait, France and Rwanda  to train community workers in trauma recovery and to directly treat victims of genocide.

Suzanne has participated in three different research studies, including the study “Treatmentof PTSD in Rwandan Child Genocide SurvivorsUsing Thought Field Therapy, published in Winter 2010 edition of International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50.   Suzanne is also author of the book  “Thought Field Therapy:   Clinical Applications Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy. published in 2004.

For our radio program a local client volunteer with disabling symptoms of PTSD will join the program and Suzanne Connolly will work live on the air with the client to resolve her problems, which include intense nightmares almost every night and severe, intrusive fears.

After over 20 years of practice and research, Thought Field Therapy continues to produce dramatic results in the resolution of brain-stem based emotional issues.    Meridian-based tapping releases have been shown in studies to be the fastest  of all release methods for phobias and fear issues, and can produce dramatic improvement for these problems one session.

With its precision, carefully developed algorhythms and history of humanitarian use for trauma, Thought Field Therapy is the premier and original meridian-based release therapy.

Listen in for a powerful demonstration of the best of brain-based brief therapys by a renowned national expert.

For more information go to

This program will broadcast live on Healing Talk Radio at 11 am Mountain Time, Wednesday March 30 on KSTAR, 1400 am..   Healing Talk is also syndicated to three internet radio stations:, and   The program is streamed worldwide starting Saturday, April 2nd.  It will replay daily for a week at 11 am and 2 am mountain time.   To connect go to


Relieving Trauma from Earthquake in Japan

We have instructions for the TFT trauma relief technique in Japanese. Go to the page listed on the right that says “Japanese”. It will give a link to the ATFT association website in Japan, which has complete instructions in Japanese. Please pass this on to those you know in Japan. It can greatly relieve the suffering involved in such a crisis.

If you need any assistance with this, please let us know by submitting a comment. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Trauma-Related Panic Attacks Gone with TFT

By Suzanne Connolly, TFT-Adv, from the UPdate Magazine, Issue 4, Winter 2006:

Solving the Mystery; Curing the Panic

At a recent Conference on Panic Attacks, a speaker presented as a fact, that panic attacks do not have their origin in past trauma. Speaker after speaker asserted that there is currently no cure for Panic Attack Disorder. While there are undoubtedly cases where this is true, I find that in most cases this upset in the sympathetic nervous system is rooted in past trauma and of course, with Thought Field Therapy, is curable. The following case study offers just one example.

Yolanda’s panic attacks were keeping her from her job as head of housekeeping at a nearby resort, and from her second job of babysitting her friend’s children, and from participating in life in general. She had been referred by her Physician and I began taking a history in an effort to find some specific sources of anxiety to address.

Being around small children seemed to precipitate the majority of Yolanda’s recent panic attacks. Being home alone at night, being around knives, Continue reading “Trauma-Related Panic Attacks Gone with TFT”

TFT After Brutal Physical Attack

From “The Thought Field”, Vol. 17, Issue 3:

Tapping Thru Trauma and Dysfunction To Happiness

Oct 2010, Australia, Gabrielle Williamson

In 2000 I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after a brutal physical attack. Because of head injuries I was unable to complete thoughts or make any sense of the world. This led to debilitating depression as even simple tasks like cooking had become difficult. I was also suffering from severe anxiety and did not know how to engage in society. I became a relative hermit and put on a lot of weight. All I could manage was eating, sleeping and watching videos. My depression grew and intense rage emerged as I ruminated day after day on the attack.

Five years passed in this manner then one day I was introduced to a local TFT Practitioner who listened to my story and offered to give me a treatment with TFT. I was totally skeptical, yet after several treatments I lost the depression and became more functional. Soon, not only did my fear of people and being in public places disappear, but I began to rekindle my former career as a singer/ songwriter and performed my songs at local venues. Previously my memory had been so damaged due to head injuries that I had had trouble remembering my songs. It improved using TFT.

I also became a TFT practitioner and continued to clear phobias, stress, confusion, love pain and rage as they emerged and began helping my friends with TFT as well. Soon I had several regular TFT clients. Chronic depression and anxiety became things of the past.

I realized with gratitude that I had started living my life again and it was better than it had been even before the assault!

In 2006 I won $1,000 first prize in a major local songwriter’s quest and went on to record an album of my songs. I organized every detail of my own album launch which had been an unfulfilled dream for 30 years.

Today I have 4 different part-time businesses which I run myself including a small TFT client-base, many friends, hobbies and interests and am living the life I always wanted to live, as cliche as that may sound! I am an active member of my community and the world at large and feel I have something to contribute. I have no doubt that I am capable of moving on to achieve even greater goals as my life unfolds.

This year, 2010, I will be 50 years old and have never been happier than I am right now. I believe that TFT has very significantly contributed to my healing process when very little else seemed to be working. It is simple, fast and effective as a modality of therapy and easy to administer to myself and others when the need arises. I highly recommend it to anyone. I will continue to rely on its help as it is an invaluable way to be free of all kinds of problems both mental/emotional and physical.

TFT Relieves Terror from Childhood Trauma at Dentist’s Office

From “The Thought Field”, Vol. 11, Issue 2:

TFT Helps a Severe Fear of Dentists

A letter to Rosanna Mosca, DipND, DipCH, Point Cook, Victoria, Australia:

I’m in my 40’s and for most of my life, I have been a little bit of a ‘fruit loop’. Not quite crazy but occasionally, I would turn from ‘Jeckell to Hyde’. It all started when I was eight years old. My subconscious would take over and I wouldn’t be able to control my body anymore.

What started off being a shopping trip suddenly turned into something not so nice. I don’t know where they came from, or how, but suddenly three men in white coats were holding me down, putting a mask on my face and needles in my arm. I’m hallucinating, I’m hurting, I’m screaming. Continue reading “TFT Relieves Terror from Childhood Trauma at Dentist’s Office”