Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD

Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD “Releasing Fears and Obstacles to progress in Life” Using TFT (Thought Field Therapy)

Especially for the People of Syria, Palestine and Afflicted Arab Countries.

One of the most important effects of wars that greatly affect people is fear, fear of the future, fear of repeating loss and fear of continuing life normally.

In this session, I will focus on releasing these fears using TFT technique that has helped many and continues to help people in all difficult circumstances.

We invite you to attend this free online session presented by Coach Zeina Hamami, a certified TFT practitioner (in Arabic).

With the full acknowledgement and gratitude of Joanne Callahan, President of TFT Foundation and Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

The session will be on Wednesday 01/15/2025
5:00 PM Syria time – 2:00 PM GMT – 3:00 PM Morocco time

Live broadcast via Facebook group – Link to join the group:

Healing and Support Continues in Rwanda

Adrienne NAHAYO, clinical psychologist, shares with us the ongoing work in Rwanda. TFT is helping in the communities, the schools, and even the prisons. Take a few minutes and watch what these amazing and resilient people are doing to heal their country and people. Please consider helping us help them continue this work. It serves as an example the entire world can use.


A New Review Which Includes the Connolly & Sakai Study

A new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study: This is an important new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study. Click here to download.

I think anyone wanting to do research with TFT should look at the criticisms of the study in this Cochrane review as it helps avoid similar pitfalls. The Cochrane review is the most respected and thorough type of Review and quite intense. Just search Connolly to see what they look at in evaluating a study.

Another thing that is quite clear is that they selected only one of our studies. Most of our studies are difficult to find. Is there someone that does TFT that might look into how to get more visibility for our peer-reviewed journal articles? That would help promote Roger’s work more than anything.

APA Citation
van Ginneken N, Chin WY, Lim YC, Ussif A, Singh R, Shahmalak U, Purgato M, Rojas-García A, Uphoff E, McMullen S, Foss HS, Thapa Pachya A, Rashidian L, Borghesani A, Henschke N, Chong L-Y, Lewin S. Primary‐level worker interventions for the care of people living with mental disorders and distress in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD009149. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009149.pub3. Accessed 07 August 2021.

We Are Witnessing An Alarming Increase in the Rate of Suicide: Especially In Our Youth

There have been numerous recent reports from around the world about the increase in suicides of our youth, especially in those under 18.  The lockdown, isolation, school closures and loss of loved ones are all contributing factors and are continuing.  Children’s Health Defense reports on this sharp rise in an article on 2/3/21.  They give links to the various literature.

They share a November report by the CDC that analyzed emergency room visits in children under 18 during the pandemic. Results showed that although the number of overall emergency room visits fell during 2020, the number of mental health-related visits increased. Data analyzed from the CDC’s National Syndromic Surveillance Program from Jan. 1 through Oct. 17, 2020, and compared to the same period in 2019 showed a 31% increase in mental health issues among adolescents 12 – 17-years-old. Continue reading “We Are Witnessing An Alarming Increase in the Rate of Suicide: Especially In Our Youth”

TFT Success with a Difficult Population – Recovering Addicts

I am regularly asked, is TFT successful with recovering addicts?  It is a challenging area for any modality, not just TFT.  But I have seen Jim MacAninch continually help them, and share his success with the greater TFT community.  He has been working at SpiritLife, recovery center, almost four years, driving 125 miles a day to be able to provide TFT and FAST-AIDE with the clients at Spiritlife.  FAST-AIDE is an approach that is included after using TFT.  His dedication has been unmatched.

Since April and the coronavirus, he has been doing his work remotely with continued great success as indicated by the comments of CEO Louis Wagner in their newsletter.

Jim says, “The problems with individual’s finding recovery is getting greater with Veterans, First Responders and Addictions. The problems and solutions are very similar but individuals are having a difficult time working with this group of individuals.“ 

“People need to realize that TFT works extremely well with this population if they learn  how to approach them…..”

Thank you Jim for all your dedication and hard work to bring must deserved healing to this population.

Lebanon Explosion and Trauma – the Gift of Healing with TFT

The recent bombing in Beirut left many dead, injured, and traumatized.  The after-effects of this kind of event can be far-reaching and long-lasting.  Sharing TFT’s trauma relief tapping sequences can begin the healing process and dramatically improve the quality of life of all those affected.

Our TFT Algorithm and Diagnostic level trainer, Abeer AlOsaimi, from her healing center, Nafas Center, in Kuwait has done just that, begun the healing process for so many.  They provided TFT algorithm trainings for nearly 800 Lebanese professionals in conjunction with the Organized Psychological Support Campaign “Nehna Haddak” in Lebanon.   These professionals are in turn starting to heal their communities.

I am amazed at the case studies being submitted for their certification process.  They are helping fear, anger, panic, PTSD from the bombing for so many victims.  Some of the victims are still in the hospital, others are living in the community, without homes or family.

Below is an example of the difference the simple TFT trauma algorithm can make in the lives of those who have suffered trauma.  Mireille Youssef, Clinical psychologist, gave me permission to share her cases.  We sincerely hope that this will help inspire others to share these healing tools. Continue reading “Lebanon Explosion and Trauma – the Gift of Healing with TFT”