Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD

Free Online TFT session to heal PTSD “Releasing Fears and Obstacles to progress in Life” Using TFT (Thought Field Therapy)

Especially for the People of Syria, Palestine and Afflicted Arab Countries.

One of the most important effects of wars that greatly affect people is fear, fear of the future, fear of repeating loss and fear of continuing life normally.

In this session, I will focus on releasing these fears using TFT technique that has helped many and continues to help people in all difficult circumstances.

We invite you to attend this free online session presented by Coach Zeina Hamami, a certified TFT practitioner (in Arabic).

With the full acknowledgement and gratitude of Joanne Callahan, President of TFT Foundation and Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

The session will be on Wednesday 01/15/2025
5:00 PM Syria time – 2:00 PM GMT – 3:00 PM Morocco time

Live broadcast via Facebook group – Link to join the group:

July 2018 Japan Floods

Submitted by Ayame Morikawa.

Japan Floods occurred in the vast area and killed 126 after torrential rain and landslides in July 2018.

We offered the seminar for disaster assistance in International Pacific University, Okayama Campus with JEMDRA-HAP in Sep 15-17.

On September 15th (Sat), 17 (Mon), Japan’s torrential rain disaster support seminar, “Overcoming the Power of the Region” – seminar on how to take care of your heart after the disaster was held at ipu Pacific University. There was also a promotion for the humanitarian support program in Japan.

From experts to students, a lot of people have joined. In particular, many of the trans-Pacific University students have already participated in volunteer support for disaster support, and we believe that we have learned skills to support interpersonal aid and regions, and we believe that it will be a great power to support reconstruction.

Dr. Niki, M.D. (Chairperson of JEMDRA-HAP) and Dr. Morikawa, Ph.D. (Chairperson of JATFT) lectured the importance of mental health care and introduced the practical techniques, TFT and HRV Coherence Breathing.

The audience was doctors, nurses, teachers, counselors, public workers, students, and lay people.

The students of IPU have engaged in volunteer activities in the disaster areas and added the new skills of TFT to heal others.

We introduced TFT Foundation’s contributions to Rwanda as a good model of community recovery from tragedy.

TFT for Trauma from Mexico Earthquake

Let us help survivors of the earthquake in Mexico deal with its aftermath by reducing the effects of trauma–and pass this on! Thank you, Leonor Zarazua, for this diagram of the simple trauma relief technique.

TFT Trauma Relief for Hurricane Harvey Victims

Natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey in Texas–and its aftermath–can traumatize hundreds of thousands of people, greatly adding to the burden of putting together the pieces after such a tragedy. Thought Field Therapy is powerfully effective in relieving the debilitating effects of trauma. Please help by passing along the link to this site to whomever you may know who has been affected by the hurricane: To go to the precise page with instructions and video demonstration of this easy, self-administered tapping recipe, click here. As there is a large Spanish-speaking population in the affected area, click here to reach instructions in Spanish.

TFT Trauma Relief for 911 Dispatchers



For an excellent article on using TFT to relieve the significant trauma that can be experienced by 911 emergency dispatchers, click here.






The article was written by Jim McAninch, Executive Director of Your Solution for Stress, Jim is a veteran who has worked as a journeyman tradesman in the steelworker union for thirty years. He has been a certified employee assistance professional (CEAP) for over twenty-six years, is a certified trauma responder (CTR) and past executive board member of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists. Jim has been a board member of Pittsburgh’s Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team for 20 years. He is also a member of the Ethics committee of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), a member of the Research committee of the Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Foundation, and currently co-chairs the TFT Foundation’s trauma relief committee.


Rwandans Teach the World to Heal


Rwandans Teach the World to Heal

Suzanne M. Connolly, LCSW, LMFT

People in Rwanda are helping one another heal using a form of energy psychology called Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT is the original form of energy psychology and the original tapping therapy. It was developed in the early 1980s by psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan. It has continued to be refined and updated through the years. It is the first energy psychology technique to be recognized by the National Registry of Evidenced-based Practices and Procedures (NREEP) as being evidence-based.

Rwandan community leaders, professionals and para-professionals have treated at least 20,000 members of their communities for symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In most cases, the PTSD has been directly or indirectly the result of atrocities com- mitted during the 1994 genocide in which between 800,000 and one million persons were killed in a matter of ten weeks.

Suspicious at first, former subjects in a research project have reported that they thought the professionals were “evil” and “from Satan” when they were asked to think about what happened to them and/or their families during the 1994 genocide and then tap on themselves in a particular way. They said things like, “At first we took it as an opportunity to hang out.” Then they thought the professionals “were crazy” and this could not possibly work. Some of these same skeptics later became TFT facilitators, helping their neighbors to heal using TFT.

Many of the survivors of the Rwandan genocide have suffered from PTSD in the more than twenty years since this tragedy. People suffering PTSD often experience flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive memories, anger, rage, hypervigilance, shame, anxiety, depression and sometimes even suicide. Overwhelmed, they feel there is no way out. They often turn to alcohol and drugs. Individuals and families, and often entire communities and countries, can be devastated.

Small groups of professionals from the non-profit organization the Thought Field Therapy Foundation* have made seven trips to Rwanda, beginning in 2005, teaching community leaders to heal themselves and then to train others in their communities to heal themselves using TFT. Continue reading “Rwandans Teach the World to Heal”