From Trauma to Peace–Your Chance to Contribute

tft documentary

Dear Friends,

This blog is full of many remarkable and moving stories that demonstrate the power of TFT to relieve the debilitating effects of trauma and violence, allowing hearts to open again, and whole communities to revive and move forward.

The TFT Foundation, sponsor of this site, has been working on a documentary to help create the global awareness that entire traumatized communities can help themselves and others end suffering and the cycle of violence. This film, “From Trauma To Peace,” is being produced by an award-winning team and will be of the quality needed for PBS and film festivals.

About 80% of the filming is done. We now need money to finish production, as well as for promotion and distribution. Recently the Foundation began a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo to help raise money for this purpose.

Please, take a stand for peace and contribute to our campaign however you can. Visit the site–donate dollars (check out the perks!)–make comments–revisit our Indiegogo page–and PASS IT ON to others. Give your friends and family an opportunity to further peace, love and hope in the world…especially during this beautiful season of PEACE.

It is activity on an Indiegogo campaign page that makes that campaign successful. Visit our campaign now at — and share it with the world! Help make world peace a reality.

With much appreciation,

Mary Cowley, PhD
Secretary-Treasurer, TFT Foundation

Healing Distress from Hurricane Sandy

A Public Service Message For Hurricane Sandy Disaster Sufferers

From: TFT Foundation – a nonprofit humanitarian organization that helps to relieve suffering worldwide.

To: Anyone who is struggling with emotional distress in the area affected by the Superstorm, Sandy.

There are two big realities: 1) the reality of all the loss, damage, and problems of restoring basic needs. This reality will take some time to change. 2) the reality of what is going on inside of you in the form of distress that can hurt your body because of emotions like fear, anxiety, stress, disappointment, sadness, anger, and other negative feelings and thoughts.

We offer you a simple way to help yourself overcome the distress inside of you. For some of you it will work quickly and completely to eliminate these negative emotions. For some of you, it may take more time or several attempts to work. A small number of you may not feel any change at all.*

Please use the procedure described and shown on this TFT Trauma Relief blog. There is no charge for this information. We are your neighbors and we care deeply about your welfare, good health, and recovery.

This is a TFT technique (a tapping therapy) to help you and/or your family members. It can be used by most people of all ages. We have used this procedure to help victims of Katrina and the  medical staff of Charity Hospital in New Orleans following Katrina; many affected by 9/11; victims of genocide in Rwanda; victims of war in Kocevo; and with our troops returning from war suffering from PTSD.

You are invited to use this extraordinary technique to help yourself and others relax, get some sleep, and overcome the negative emotions of the disaster.

*If you feel no relief after trying the technique, you may find individual work with a TFT practitioner beneficial. For a list of practitioners go to

TFT and Grief

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TFT Allows Us the Feelings We Need

By Robert Bray, PhD, LCSW, CTS, TFT-Dx

TFT in the bereavement process

In my experience, the most common problem with grief is people not grieving. When a client comes in looking for help with grief, the first question I ask is, ‘What are you doing? How are you grieving?

The most common response is that it hurts too much and “I cry ever time I remember (he or she) is gone.”

Avoiding the memories, avoiding the parts of their current life that triggers the memories, or avoiding sharing memories with others is a common coping mechanism to manage the pain even for the toughest person. Taking the time to be with feelings of love for the one who has died and integrating the fact that person is no longer with him or her is a necessary component in reconstructing a life.

Grieving is an active process requiring our engagement. Time passively passed without our conscious awareness is of little help in this process. Time spent locked in overwhelming emotion that freezes our thinking and prevents us from taking action is of less help. Making the change in our being requires living with the reality of having been given the gifts of our loved one and now being without the physical presence of his or her. TFT provides a means to getting unstuck and using our feelings in this change process.

A woman in her late forties approached me after a presentation at a conference and asked for help dealing with the loss of her son three years earlier. In his early twenties he had been killed in Continue reading “TFT and Grief”

From Trauma to Peace


Peace IS within our grasp. It is at the tip of our fingers…literally. The upcoming documentary “From Trauma to Peace” will shock you in how quickly and easily people can be relieved of the devastating effects of trauma through the safe and effective “tapping” technique of Thought Field Therapy (TFT). AND how the impact of that emotional freedom not only brings peace of mind to the individual, but facilitates peace within and among communities

Using Legs Again with TFT

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by Basim Qudori, TFT consultant to Syrian Specialist volunteer help group

I am delighted to be able to report that…I have been able to assist numerous clients with TFT, from several countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine and the Gulf countries with a diverse range of problems to their complete satisfaction and therefore mine.

To give a prime example of my success I refer to the case of Ms. Hayat, a 19 years old girl suffering mental trauma after a post-natal injury left her wheel chair bound after an operation in UK six years ago, she was told by physiotherapist that she must summon the courage to walk.

However the fear of falling was so great that she convinced herself never to try to walk again. Her cousin, a psychotherapist, requested my intervention to provide Hayat with a reversal of herself promise. I used VT, and I found that she had psychological reversals and IET, and even my first session with her resulted in her standing up using a table for support for the first time since her promise to herself six years ago.

Subsequent sessions gave her further confidant until she was able to stand up right unassisted using a frame for nearly ten minutes giving great satisfaction to herself and her whole family.

Healing PTSD for Vets & Firemen


Tapping into Healing for Wounded Warriors at Leaps of Faith Event

by Patricia Jennings NHC

On June 22 and 23, 2012, approximately 45 wounded warriors and some family members came from all over the US (a smaller group than in the past) to Connecticut for a weekend of water skiing, boating and kayaking. We also had several first responders, firemen, and a para-olympian in ice hockey.

One young fireman came who had been in a fire and had lost 4 of his buddies on 911. Since that time, as told by his wife and sister, he had become unresponsive and in a deep depression. Over the years, there had been no change in his condition, in spite of medication and psychiatrist visits.

His wife and sister came to me and asked if I could help him. I said I would try, if he wants me to. I gave them a brochure about TFT and a copy of the TFT Trauma Relief tapping sequence to give to him.

He received it, and after about 10 minutes I approached him and asked if he would like to try the technique. He said yes he would like to.

After checking him for psychological reversal and correcting it, I had him tap the pain and then trauma tapping sequences. We went through the sequence once and he raised his hand and slapped me a high 5 and had a slight grin on his face. We continued with the 9 gamut and repeated the tapping sequence one more time. His SUD [Subjective Units of Distress] went from 11 to 8 to 5 to 2 and finished with the floor to ceiling eye roll.

He got up off the bench and gave me a hug with a big smile on his face. Two hours later I found him Kayaking with his wife and the following day he went water skiing with some of the other vets.

One of the firemen from New York City who was a first responder to the 911 had been watching me working with the vets. He said that after the trauma that the firemen suffered, the city brought in several counselors to help but it had little effect on the firemen. Then a couple of TFT practitioners from New Jersey came in and the firemen began to heal. He was very excited about TFT.

At the end of the weekend Wounded Warriors weekend with Leaps of Faith, I had helped 22 Vets and firemen begin healing their post traumatic stress and many others took home the Trauma Relief Technique I printed out from the TFT Foundation’s free Trauma Relief web site, I have received many thank you cards and emails from the Vets and families. Please share this site with all you can, it can make such a difference in their lives.

Thank you Callahan’s for TFT and the TFT Foundation for these resources.

If you would like to help share TFT at one a future event, please contact me at

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Article Excerpted from “Tapping for Humanity”,  Summer Issue, 2012