An interview describes how Dr. Caroline Sakai used TFT to relieve a prisoner of trauma and stress and completely turn his life around.
Category: Trauma
TFT Heals 60-Year Old Trauma from Rape
My name is Rosemarie Solarz. I am currently seventy years old. I would like to share with you a very traumatic experience I had at 10 years old.
My parents went out for a New Years eve dance in town and left my brother and I with a neighbor’s son who was sixteen years old. He told my brother and I (who was 9 at the time) that he wanted to teach us a new game we could all play.
For us it sounded like fun. But it wasn’t. He started doing things we didn’t like and we did not want to play anymore and began to get scared. Before I knew it, he had raped me.
I remember I did not cry because I did not know what had just happened to me. Back then, words like rape were not mentioned. All I could remember the rest of the evening was I hurt and did not feel good so I went to my bedroom and stayed until my parents came home.
The memory of that horrible experience changed the rest of my life. I never had any lasting, healthy relationships, low self-image, worked hard to have people like me, gained weight, self-sabotaged myself and finally a broken marriage to make me feel even more inadequate!
Those memories were stored so deep in my subconscious that I was in my mid-forties before they revealed their ugly self. I had an opportunity to attend a healing mass at my church one evening and the priest that was conducting the healing part whispered in my ear had I been sexually abused by my father.
I just froze! Then I began to shake. Tears came to my eyes. He laid his hand on my shoulder to calm me and said to come see him the next day and talk about. I never cried so hard in my life. The release was more than I could bear, just to have it come out.
He gave me the name of a counselor to go to. I took advantage of many opportunities to seek help. However, I reached the point where I felt I had worked through everything and did not need to go on further.
How wrong I was! For some unknown reason I would shy away from any conversations that would pertain to rape, or anything that had to do with intimacy. Never wanted to be around men and I still felt shame.
However, recently my eldest daughter, Christina Mayhew, completed Dr. Roger Callahan’s TFT class in California and helped clean out all the old baggage I was still carrying around. She taught me how to use the Trauma and shame algorithm technique in order to free me of the remaining pain I felt.
I cannot express strongly enough just how much it has helped me. The experience of this technique is nothing short of a miracle in my opinion. The technique took us no more than ten, maybe twelve minutes. I pray that anyone else going through trauma of any kind will seek out this program in order to receive the complete healing they deserve!
TFT Healing Traumatic Stress
Dr. Robert Bray, traumatic stress specialist, talks about healing with TFT. [youtube=]
TFT Relieves Child’s Trauma from Horror Movie
Robert Austin describes how TFT relieved the severe trauma of a child who was traumatized by watching a horror movie at a birthday party:
“I remember one of the first children I worked with using TFT. She was eight years old and had been referred by her pediatrician because she had not been able to sleep at all for two weeks.
She had attended a sleep over birthday party during which one of the other girls brought in a DVD of a Stephen King terror movie and she went into a traumatized, terrorized state and could not sleep. The pediatrician wanted to give therapy a try before snowing her with medications.
Her mother did not speak English well but I got the gist of what had happened. The girl was shaking with fear so I figured I would not get anywhere with talk therapy. I asked her if she liked to play and she said she did. I said I had a silly imitation game and all she had to do was imitate me tapping on my body.
I knealt down on the floor so I was at eye level with her and began tapping the complex trauma code with many variations. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her mother’s jaw drop in horror at what I was doing.
After about 10 minutes, mother’s look changed dramatically as her little girl’s appearance changed dramatically. She had stopped shaking, was breathing normally and was smiling all over.
I set a follow up appointment, but the day of that appointment her mother called to cancel saying that her daughter slept through that night and subsequent nights. She was very appreciative.”
TFT Relieves Whoopi Goldberg’s Fear brought on by Trauma
One of the debilitating outcomes of trauma can be intense fear. The television show “The View” shows comedian/actress Whoopi Goldberg describing how her extreme fear of flying began after seeing a mid-air collision in 1978–and how TFT is helping relieve that fear.
TFT Transforms the Trauma of Genocide to Compassion for Orphans
Dr. Caroline Sakai describes how TFT brought profound relief to a Rwandan elder who endured severe emotional, mental, and physical suffering since seeing his family brutally murdered, himself attacked and left for dead–and how he responded by opening his modest home to local orphans!