Thirteen Evidence-Based Thought Field Therapy Studies & Nine Reviews  Supporting TFT’s Effectiveness

There is growing evidence to support the effectiveness of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) as a psychological intervention.

An article entitled Mental health interventions by lay counsellors: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Connolly et al., 2021) was published in the August 2021 issue of The Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Of the 19 randomized controlled trials that met the inclusion criteria, three studies explored the use of TFT (Connolly & Sakai, 2011; Connolly et al., 2013; Robson et al., 2016). Of the three included TFT studies, two were conducted in Rwanda, and one was conducted in Uganda. Two of the included TFT studies demonstrated high effect sizes, and one TFT study demonstrated a medium effect size. The three TFT studies were found to have the fewest days of training and the least amount of treatment time. In a qualitative follow up, Edwards (2016) reported the lay counselors’ satisfaction with their continued use of the TFT intervention. Continue reading “Thirteen Evidence-Based Thought Field Therapy Studies & Nine Reviews  Supporting TFT’s Effectiveness”

The Academy of Integrative Medicine and Health Conference in October in San Diego

Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, recently completed a film that was shown online as a break-out session at The Academy of Integrative Medicine and Health Conference in October in San Diego.

The break-out session was on using TFT to help close the mental health treatment gap in low-and middle-income countries. It goes without saying it could be used in high-income countries as well.

This breakout was based on the literature review and meta-analysis she led with an international team that was published in the August 2021 issue of the World Health Organization.

Here is the link to the article published by the WHO:

Below is the video of the break-out session. It contains some footage of Rwandan lay counselors speaking of their experiences. It’s a 43 minute video.

Aliviando el Traumaen nuestros niños

TFT Foundation y San Andrés Pescador

Uno de los usos más importantes de TFT en el mundoactual es sanar trauma en nuestros niños, ellos son elfuturo de la humanidad. El trabajo anterior de laFundación TFT con los huérfanos del genocidio de Ruandaen 1994, documentó la posible sanación. Esa nación se hatransformado con la sanación de TFT desde el 2006. Unbreve video documenta su progreso, incluido el trabajoactual con el Sistema Correccional de Ruanda: TFT IZERERWANDA, to heal a nation!, ¡Para sanar a una nación! Estoes lo que se puede hacer con TFT.

La Fundación TFT ahora tiene una propuesta para ayudar alos niños que fueron víctimas de una masacre en México.Este pequeño estudio humanitario puede iniciar lasanación de toda una comunidad, al igual que nuestrotrabajo inicial en Ruanda que ha llevado a sanar una nación.

Hoy en el mundo, muchos están sufriendo problemas de salud, económicos y opresivos. Los niños son los que más sufren. Necesitamos comenzar proyectos como éste en todo el mundo, sanando a nuestros hijos y creando un futuro seguro y con confianza para ellos. Continue reading “Aliviando el Traumaen nuestros niños”

TFT Healing Trauma in Our Children

TFT Foundation & San Andrés Pescador Foundation

One of the most important uses of TFT in today’s world is healing the traumas of our children, the future of humanity.

The TFT Foundation’s past work with orphans from the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, documented the healing possible. That nation has been transformed from TFT healing since 2006. A brief video documents their progress including current work with the Rwandan Corrections System: TFT IZERE RWANDA, to heal a nation! This is what can be done with TFT.

The TFT Foundation now has a proposal to help children who were victims of a Mexican massacre. This small humanitarian study can begin the healing of an entire community, just as our early work in Rwanda has led to healing a nation. Continue reading “TFT Healing Trauma in Our Children”

TFT IZERE RWANDA, to heal a nation!

Dear TFT Community,

I want to share an amazing, well-done video, from our TFT IZERE Center friends in Rwanda.  The TFT Foundation has been working with them since 2006 when we began treating the orphans from the genocide. There have been several studies resulting from our work there and much improvement and healing with the people of Rwanda.

Our first video, From Trauma to Peace, documented this early work. This new video brings us up to date on their inspiring progress, the progression of the TFT programs including working with the Rwandan Corrections System. Take 5 minutes of your time and watch this inspiring video, share it with others and see how you can join this successful healing program.

TFT IZERE RWANDA, to heal a nation!

Click here to Help us continue this work. 

25th Commemoration of Genocide Against Tutsi

The Ceremony was held at Rwamagana Eastern Province.

The International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, marked with a commemoration to mark the 25th anniversary of the genocide.

April 7, 1994 marks the beginning of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda perpetrated by the Hutu extremist-led government. Within the following 100 days, more than 800,000 members of the Tutsi minority were systematically murdered. Moderate Hutu and others who opposed the killings were also killed during that period.

In 2003, the United Nations General Assembly officially proclaimed 7 April the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Celestin Mitabu shares some pictures of the  event below.

Please support our Thought Field Therapy (TFT) volunteers as they bring much-needed trauma relief to Rwandan prisoners, their families and staff—and make a significant contribution to the Rwandan genocide healing process.

Click here to Donate

Continue reading “25th Commemoration of Genocide Against Tutsi”