TFT Training for Humanitarian Organisations in Kigali

Shared by Celestin Mitabu, our lead trainer in Kigali, Rwanda

We trained 210 people from most of the Universities and other Humanitarian Organisations in Kigali, during their August training.  The pictures are from different groups at KIMU University and at IPRC University.  Dr. Caroline Sakai and her team assisted him in Kigali Rwanda.

“One is a nurse from Adventist University who has been having a complication in breathing… she has attended  TFT Training twice and she is applying the Technics during her daily work. She gave her testimony during our past training about how TFT healed her from the breathing complication.”

“.. the second one is from a Catholic sister.  She is the Director of one of the Disabled centers in Kigali., TFT healed her too. They are both TFT practitioners and they have their personal testimonies on what happened after they have been applying it.”

Please help support his continued work in Rwanda.  He is training the students, the future of TFT and healing in his country.  Click here to Donate

Trauma Relief in Rwanda at the IZERE Center

This amazing video shows the work being done for Trauma Relief in Rwanda at the IZERE Center.  It was filmed while Dr. Caroline Sakai and her team were there last month.  It emphasizes the importance of the work being done in Rwanda and what long-term implications it can have for TFT around the world.

Video from Fr. Augustin Nzabonimana, IZERE Center, Byumba, Rwanda

Teaching Humanitarian TFT in Japanese University

JATFTDr. Ayame Morikawa, president of the Japanese Association of Thought Field Therapy (JATFT), has initiated a program entitled “TFT Partners” based on the TFT Foundation’s community treatment model in which non-professionals are taught to use TFT for humanitarian purposes. This program will help meet the need throughout the world for paraprofessionals who can help with PTSD and other psychological problems identified by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A one-day workshop has been developed as part of a university Psychology class in Japan and will teach the following:

– humanitarian assistance

– becoming a helper rather than a therapist

– trauma care

– assistance to depression

– TFT Algorithms (trauma, depression, and physical pain)

The program will be offered to anyone who wants to help, including professionals, paraprofessionals and university students.

Documentary Trailer–French

We are pleased to now have a version of the “From Trauma to Peace” documentary trailer with French subtitles. Please share this with French speaking friends, colleagues, and anyone else you think might benefit from being made aware of this powerful tool for peace.

Many thanks to TFT Foundation board member Oob Nding for the translation!

Two New TFT Trauma Relief Technique Translations!


Dear Friends,

In honor of Dr. Roger Callahan’s passing on Nov. 4, it gives me particular pleasure to announce that we’ve added two new translations of the TFT trauma relief technique: Kinyarwanda and Swedish.

Many thanks to Prosper Ishimwe for the Kinyarwanda translation, and to Ann-margret Lövling for the Swedish. Their generosity makes the profound healing and transformational discoveries of Dr. Callahan available to two more countries!

To see the new translations, go to the right column and look under “Pages–Technique Instructions.”
