FREE-Tapping for Trauma from San Bernardino Massacre

Redlands Community Hospital–Thursday Dec 17


It’s natural to fear, guilt, anger, loss and nightmares following the recent shootings. With time these normal emotions should subside. If you find that you are not able to move forward, we invite you to join us for a special healing event. We are offering our community a free group session using the well established, easy to learn, rapid healing technique, Thought Field Therapy® (TFT).

TFT tapping is a brief, effective psychotherapy for the rapid and natural healing of negative emotions and psychological problems. Thought Field Therapy uses nature’s therapeutic system to balance the bodies energy system promoting natural healing and improved mental health. This seminar will be taught by certified TFT practitioners.

Children benefit too. Ages 4 and up are welcome. Spanish language is available.


Thought Field Therapy Facilitators:

                Jacqueline Smillie, TFT-Adv. Certified Trainer
Michelle Bruny, RN, TFT-Dx
Maria Noval, TFT-Dx

WHEN: Thursday, December 17, 6-8pm

WHERE: Redlands Community Hospital
Weisser Education Pavilion, Room D
350 Terracina Blvd., Redlands, CA 92373

Please Call to Reserve Your Seat
(909) 335-5618

Redlands Community Hospital

Group Tapping for Paris Peace

ParisHeartTFT Foundation UK board member and TFT trainer/practitioner Ngub Nding is organizing Free Group Tapping Sessions and short meditations to alleviate the negative emotions related to the trauma of the recent events in Paris and around the world, to restore inner Peace.

The first 6 sessions have been well attended. The next sessions will take place every Saturday evenings at 8PM Paris time for a few more weeks. The sessions are conducted in both English and French.

Details can be found on Facebook as the weekly event pages get published, by searching the event title : “Ensemble, retrouvons la Paix Intérieure – Together in Peace, Stronger Together”. Alternatively, please contact Ngub if you or friends or family would like to participate, by sending him a private message on Facebook or by emailing him directly at Ngub@

TFT Peace for Paris

PeaceParisThe TFT Foundation offers its sincere condolences to those in France affected by the recent shootings. Please let anyone you know that has been traumatized by this tragic event about our site, which has the instructions for the TFT trauma relief technique in 14 languages, including French. Here is the link you can pass along:

La fondation TFT présente ses sincères condoléances à ceux en France qui ont été affectés par les fusillades récentes. Faites connaître notre site s’il vous plait, à toute personne de votre connaissance  traumatisée par cet événement tragique. Il contient les instructions de la technique TFT d’allègement des traumatismes dans 14 langues différentes dont le français. Voici le lien que vous pouvez diffuser largement :

TFT Film Showing at International Film Festivals


The TFT Foundation is very pleased with the growing roster of international film festivals at which its documentary, “From Trauma to Peace,” is being shown. For information about these festivals, click here…and then on the festival logos.

TFT Trauma Relief Helps Woman Move Arm for First Time

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The Power of our Beliefs

By Leandro Percario, TFT-Adv

Just a few months ago I treated one of the most interesting cases of a cure by TFT. It really amazed me, even though I have watched so many cures by TFT.

She was one of the students in my last Algorithm training, let’s call her “Ana”.

Ana had a limitation on the movement of her left arm since she was born. She could move the right arm perfectly but had only limited movement of her left arm.

As she was talking to me about this and some others things she wanted to treat, she mentioned that she had had a very difficult birth. Her mother had to have a cesarean birth in an emergency, without any anesthesia…

She was born premature and was very fragile. She had a problem that the doctors had to stifle all her chest and left arm for six month.

Ana got better and survived but she had this permanent limitation on the movements on her left arm.

When she told me that it just reminded me of the story of circus elephants when babies they are tied by one of the hind legs with a chain to a wooden pole attached to the ground.

The babies elephants try to escape, but they are not yet strong enough to break loose, then eventually end up quitting and never try to escape …

As adults, these circus elephants could very easily break the chain, but because they have developed the belief that they cannot, they just do not escape their shackles.

By this time, I diagnosed with Voice Technology and applied with her two specific tapping sequences, one for the trauma of her birth and the other for the trauma of being unable to move her arm when Ana was just a Baby. She didn’t have the conscious memory of that but she knew it happened as he mother told her, so, I just asked her to think about it the way she normally thinks about it.

After just a few repetitions of these sequences, Ana started to move her arm a little bit better. Then we repeated it some more times, it was around 8 times total.

I asked her to close her eyes and imagine she was moving both arms totally and freely.

She said it was difficult, so we did the sequences again while she was trying to imagine she was moving both arms perfectly in her mind first.

Ana said she could now move them both in her mind!

So I asked her that still with her eyes closed to start moving physically her arms, just the way she was imagining at that time and much to my surprise she started to move it perfectly and freely!

Then I asked Ana to keep moving her arms and just open her eyes and she was very surprised to see she was moving her left arm totally and fully with absolutely no limitation in her movements! We were both very moved and emotional at that moment!

I told Ana the stories about the circus elephants. She understood and was really amazed at how TFT could easily help her to free her mind and her body!

For me it was one of the most beautiful experiences I ever had as a therapist and even after years working and teaching TFT I still got passionate about what it is able to transform in people’s lives!

With joy and love to be able to be sharing this healing tool in Brazil, Leandro

PS It is my dream and goal to found my own non-profit (NGO) in 2017, so I have to make money for that. I am inspired by the work of TFT Foundation, and it will be dedicated to my mother. Until I have conditions to found my NGO, I am training other NGO volunteers with the trauma and pain algorithm, so they can use it with the people they already help. My goal is to train one NGO group each month.

Excerpted from “Tapping for Humanity,” Summer 2015

Continue reading “TFT Trauma Relief Helps Woman Move Arm for First Time”

TFT Documentary in Japanese


I’m very pleased to announce that Ayame Morikawa, MD, PhD, MBA (Chairperson, Japanese Association for TFT) has added Japanese sub-titles to the TFT Foundation-sponsored film “From Trauma to Peace.” She has begun adding short segments of the film to YouTube. Please share this first one with any Japanese-speaking friends, family, and/or colleagues you may have.