Easy Tapping Techniques for Uneasy Rescue Dogs
by Jo Cooper, TFT-Dx
I have been visiting an animal rescue center and recently had the opportunity to work with a dog that was traumatized. She was at the center for re-homing and was lying shivering in her basket. She would not move from it and braced her feet against the side so that it was almost impossible to move her.
As she lay trembling, I talked to her and tapped using the trauma algorithm. I next used algorithms for complex trauma, anger and rage. Gradually she became a little more interested and did not tense her body quite as much.
I was able to lift her to a sitting position and then, after some more tapping, she stepped out of her bed and came with me for a walk. It had taken about 30 minutes. She was still very nervous, had her tail between her legs and pulled back when she saw another person or dog.
However, she seemed to enjoy the walk!
The next day, I found her—again—in her basket, trembling fearfully. But this time she Continue reading “TFT and Rescue Dogs”